Thang measures 8 feet high by a few inches shy of 8 feet wide. Started in November 2019, finished yesterday (August 30, 2020), but I worked on other projects during that time, too. Here are some close-ups and other photos —
Each of the little house plots is 3” square.
Everything is stitched — in thread. There’s no paint or ink anywhere on the quilt. I was particularly pleased with — and enjoyed creating — the text at the top. Will post better close-ups of it later, and maybe even a video of how I did it.
Below is a photo of the original 1717 map itself, as a reminder for what inspired me:
Here are a few of the templates I made and used: The little cardboard rectangle near the middle is what I used to outline the homes of the “landed gentry.” All 146 of them. The plastic thing on the upper left is the top of a chalk marker, which I used for the wheels on the smaller cannons.
And finally, here’s yours truly, applying the binding to the finished quilt —
I’m happy the piece is finished, but I’m also happy to report that I enjoyed every minute of making this piece. If you’ve read this far, thanks much for your interest.